What is the scientific name for beetroot?

Beta vulgaris
Beta vulgaris (Garden Beet or Beetroot Group) is the red root vegetable sold in grocery stores around the world as garden beets.
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Beta vulgaris
Beta vulgaris (Garden Beet or Beetroot Group) is the red root vegetable sold in grocery stores around the world as garden beets.
The plant pigment that gives beetroot its deep purple colour is betacyanin, a powerful substance believed to help inhibit the development of certain cancers, including bladder cancer.
1 hour
Drinking beetroot juice can reduce blood pressure levels after an hour. After ingestion, hours later blood pressure will reach the lowest point and will continue to have an effect on the levels up to 24 hours after taking your beetroot juice.
44 cal
Beetroot has a not big amount of calories, a small amount of protein, and almost no fat. It also contains not a big amount of carbs and sugar.
As an aphrodisiac
The Romans considered beetroot an aphrodisiac, possibly because they are a good source of tryptophane, betaine and boron, which affect mood and sex hormones in both men and women.
It’s true
Beetroot juice gained popularity after Paralympic gold medallist David Weir claimed that his secret to success was drinking it. Research backs this up: results show that if athletes add beetroot juice to their regimen, it can support endurance and enhance performance. It also promotes recovery because when muscles are at rest, the nitrates in beets help deliver more oxygen to muscle cells, contributing to better muscle recovery.
10 cm in diameter
Large varieties of beets can grow up to 4 inches (10 centimetres) in diameter.
The aroma
The earthy aroma of table beet is due to an aromatic terpene derivative called geosmin. It has been hypothesized that geosmin presence in beet is due to geosmin-producing bacteria such as Streptomyces spp. that exist in the soil.
For tasty and tender beets, it is important to start with good soil. Amend the soil with plenty of compost. If your soil pH is on the acidic side, it is worth adding lime. Beets prefer a soil pH of around 6.5. If you are not sure about your soil pH, take a soil test and send it to your cooperative extension.
In the UK
In 19th-century Victorian England, women used beet juice to give their hair a 'red' shine.
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