What Is The Blue Zone Of Nicoya?

The Nicoya Peninsula is recognised as one of the world’s five Blue Zones, known for exceptional longevity rates. Middle-aged individuals, particularly men, in Nicoya reach the age of 90 at rates up to 2.5 times higher than their counterparts in the United States.

For centuries, the residents of the Nicoya Peninsula, descendants of the Chorotegans (an ancestral tribe based in northwest Costa Rica), have faced challenges, overcoming diseases like malaria, dysentery, and droughts. Despite these hardships, the Nicoyans are a proud community with a rich cultural history and are now celebrated for their remarkable longevity.1
What are the key features of the Nicoya diet?

Approximately 80% of daily calories in the traditional Nicoya diet come from complex (’good’) carbohydrates, with the remaining 20% from proteins and fats.

The Nicoya diet may contribute to longevity due to its nutrient density and the inclusion of unprocessed foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.1,2 It stands out for its emphasis on homegrown and homemade foods, with large midday meals followed by lighter evening meals.3
Top longevity foods of Nicoya long-livers

The diet is rich in carbs, like rice, yams, corn, beans and other legumes, and includes many tropical fruits and vegetables, such as sweet lemon, sweet orange, plantains, bananas, yucca, taro, papaya, guava, cashew, and more.1

Nicoyans also consume forest fruits like pejivalles (peach palms), caimito and papaturro, which are high in antioxidants, although these may not be commonly found in the average grocery store.1,4
How to eat like Nicoya’s centenarians?

Recommendations for those looking to emulate the Nicoya diet would include:
1) Centring the diet on whole, plant-based foods, including beans, corn, and squash;
2) Incorporating a variety of tropical fruits;
3) Eating fish and meat in moderation;
4) Choosing homemade and minimally processed foods;
5) And ensuring meals are nutritionally balanced while being mindful of portion sizes to maintain a lower calorie intake.