Anna Evans

The Case Against Sugar by Gary Taubes

‘The Case Against Sugar' reveals a haunting truth behind its seemingly innocent allure.

The Case Against Sugar

The book has gotten 3.84 ⭐️ on GoodReads.

In the United States, diabetes rates have reached unprecedented levels, obesity has become an epidemic, and even young children are facing nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, affecting nearly 10% of them. At the heart of these widespread health problems lies sugar.

With his remarkable grasp of scientific knowledge and straightforward approach, Gary Taubes delves into the historical connection between Americans and sugar. In his book ‘The Case Against Sugar’, Taubes uncovers its various roles, from a preservative to an additive in cigarettes, and highlights the modern overconsumption of high-fructose corn syrup.

Author’s background

Gary Taubes, the author of ‘Why We Get Fat’ and ‘Good Calories, Bad Calories,’ has an impressive background in science journalism.

Gary Taubes (r)

He served as a staff writer for Discover and worked as a correspondent for the journal Science. His insightful articles have graced the pages of The New York Times Magazine, The Atlantic, and Esquire, earning him a spot in various prestigious anthologies, including ‘The Best of the Best American Science Writing’ in 2010. Recognised for his excellence in science writing, Taubes has been honored with three Science in Society Journalism Awards from the National Association of Science Writers.

Furthermore, Taubes is the recipient of a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Investigator Award in Health Policy Research, highlighting his commitment to understanding health-related issues. Additionally, he played a pivotal role as a co-founder of the Nutrition Science Initiative (NuSI), an organisation dedicated to advancing nutrition research.

Gary Taubes currently resides in Oakland, California, where he continues to contribute to the field of science journalism and make significant contributions to the public’s understanding of health and nutrition.

What is the book about?

Gary Taubes adopts an epidemiological perspective, viewing sugar as a hormonal regulatory disrupter with distinct metabolic effects that go beyond mere calorie consumption. Unlike other substances, a calorie of sugar alters fat storage and promotes insulin resistance, a precursor to the metabolic syndrome responsible for numerous chronic diseases.

Taubes highlights the sugar industry’s role in manipulating scientific research and public opinion to evade responsibility for America’s health crisis, even discrediting artificial sweeteners unfairly. However, the book’s strength is marred by its tedious nature and an overly simplistic view, overlooking other contributing factors in our complex nutrition landscape, such as saturated fat, refined flours, and sodium, produced by our industrialised food system. While sugar’s adverse effects are undeniable, the book’s singular focus on it as the sole cause of health issues may neglect other significant contributors to the problem.

Key takeaways from ‘The Case Against Sugar’

1Sugar and health

Taubes argues that excessive consumption of sugar is a significant factor contributing to various health problems, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer. He suggests that sugar may be more harmful to health than fats and other nutrients traditionally considered unhealthy.

2Historical perspective

The book provides a historical perspective on the rise of sugar consumption in the Western diet, tracing its origins from the sugar trade in the 16th century to its widespread use in processed foods and beverages today.

3Sugar industry influence

Taubes highlights how the sugar industry has influenced public opinion and nutrition policies over the years, drawing parallels with the tactics employed by the tobacco industry to downplay the health risks associated with smoking.

4Insulin resistance

The book delves into the concept of insulin resistance, where excessive sugar consumption may lead to the body becoming less responsive to insulin, a hormone responsible for regulating blood sugar levels. Insulin resistance is considered a key factor in the development of type 2 diabetes and other metabolic disorders.

5Impact on obesity

Taubes argues that sugar, particularly in the form of high-fructose corn syrup, plays a significant role in the obesity epidemic by contributing to excessive calorie intake and disrupting the body’s hunger-regulating mechanisms.

6Recommended actions

The book calls for increased public awareness of the potential risks of excessive sugar consumption and advocates for changes in dietary guidelines to limit sugar intake. It also suggests that reducing added sugars in processed foods and beverages could be a critical step in improving public health.

Table of contents

  • Dedication
  • Epigraph
  • Author’s Note
  • Introduction: Why Diabetes?
  • Chapter 1: Drug or Food?
  • Chapter 2: The First Ten Thousand Years
  • Chapter 3: The Marriage of Tobacco and Sugar
  • Chapter 4: A Peculiar Evil
  • Chapter 5: The Early (Bad) Science
  • Chapter 6: The Gift That Keeps On Giving
  • Chapter 7: Big Sugar
  • Chapter 8: Defending Sugar
  • Chapter 9: What They Didn’t Know
  • Chapter 10: The If/Then Problem: I
  • Chapter 11: The If/Then Problem: II
  • Epilogue: How Little Is Still Too Much?
  • Acknowledgments
  • Notes
  • Bibliography
  • A Note About the Author

Strengths and weaknesses, according to readers’ reviews


  • Thought-provoking: The book has been described as eye-opening and thought-provoking, shedding light on the potential negative impact of sugar on public health and its connections to various chronic diseases.

  • Engaging writing: Taubes’s writing style is often praised for being clear, engaging, and accessible to a broader audience, even when dealing with complex scientific concepts.

  • Historical context: The book delves into the history of sugar consumption and its impact on societies, providing readers with a broader understanding of the sugar industry’s influence.


  • Bias: Some readers have expressed concerns about the author’s potential bias against sugar, arguing that this may impact the objectivity of the book’s content.

  • Cherry-picked population studies: readers point out that Taubes selectively chooses certain tribal populations to prove his anti-sugar point, while ignoring other conflicting populations, like the Amish, who consume sugar but have lower rates of heart disease and diabetes.

  • Lack of moderation perspective: Some readers believe that the book tends to exaggerate the dangers of sugar consumption, implying that even small amounts of sugar could be harmful.

  • Lack of solutions: While Taubes lays out the problems associated with sugar, some readers feel that the book doesn’t offer enough concrete solutions or practical advice for individuals or policymakers.

Best quotes from ‘The Case Against Sugar’

“The more refined or processed a carbohydrate, and the less fat and fiber accompanying it to slow its digestion, the greater the blood-sugar response, and thus the more insulin required to metabolize it”.
“Parents influence their children’s likelihood to become obese and/or diabetic, not just through how and what they feed them or allow them to eat – whether and to what extent, as I’m arguing, they “ration their children’s sweets” – but through their genes as well.”

Final takeaway

‘The Case Against Sugar’ by Gary Taubes presents a compelling argument about the detrimental effects of excessive sugar consumption on health, linking it to obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other health problems. Taubes explores the concept of insulin resistance and its connection to metabolic disorders. The book calls for increased awareness of sugar’s risks and advocates for changes in dietary guidelines and reduced sugar in processed foods to improve public health. While thought-provoking and engaging, some readers have raised concerns about potential bias and selective use of population studies. Nevertheless, ‘The Case Against Sugar’ remains a valuable contribution to the ongoing discussion about sugar’s impact on society’s well-being.

Where to buy

You can buy ‘The Case Against Sugar’ on Amazon. It’s available in many formats: paperback, hardcover, spiral-bound, audio ad Kindle.

Healthypedia FAQ

'The Case Against Sugar' is a book written by Gary Taubes that delves into the history, impact, and potential health risks associated with sugar consumption. Taubes presents a compelling argument, drawing on scientific research and historical context, to highlight how excessive sugar intake may contribute to various chronic diseases, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

Some studies suggest that sugar may have addictive properties, leading to cravings and overeating, but the evidence on sugar addiction is still debated among researchers.

Excessive consumption of added sugars has been linked to various health issues, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and dental problems.

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