Food Forensics by Mike Adams

An eye-opening read on how to reduce the harmful effects of food contaminants and make informed food choices.

Food Forensics
"'Food Forensics' definitely is a 'must have' book for serious-minded researchers, healthcare practitioners and consumers, plus everyone who eats... It's a virtual 'encyclopedia' about toxins we don't know about in our foods." 
– Activist Post

In his Taxes lab, Mike Adams has a powerful machine called ICP-MS that can detect metals like nickel, lead, and mercury in even tiny amounts in any type of food. It’s like something out of a science fiction movie, but it’s real technology. When he started using this machine, he found some surprising results. For example, popular ginkgo herbs grown in China contained five parts per million of toxic lead. All of Adams’ further trials started revealing what was really present in all sorts of foods, ranging from fast foods to superfoods and supplements.

With the goal of making this concerning information accessible to the general public, Mike Adams wrote a book entitled ‘Food Forensics.’

Author’s background

Mike Adams, known as the ‘Health Ranger,’ is a renowned scientific researcher specialising in forensic food analysis and is considered an authoritative expert on heavy metals contamination within the natural product industry.

Mike Adams (r)

He is the founding editor of and serves as the lab science director at CWC Labs. His expertise includes the accurate analysis of toxic elements in water samples using ICP-MS instrumentation, as well as proficiency in running various analytical instruments to detect pesticides, herbicides, industrial chemicals, and pharmaceutical residues.

What is the book about?

In ‘Food Forensics, Mike Adams delves into the hidden truth about what lies inside our food, including toxic elements and harmful additives. With meticulous testing conducted in his state-of-the-art laboratory, Adams exposes heavy metal contaminations, pesticides, and other harmful substances present in various groceries, fast foods, dietary supplements, spices, and protein powders.

The book takes an in-depth look at various topics, including:

  • What is really inside our food?

  • How do certain food additives affect our bodies and how they are made?

  • What can we do to prevent ourselves from ingesting harmful substances such as heavy metals?

‘Food Forensics’ is divided into three parts. The first one delves into the world of toxins and contaminants present in our food, shedding light on their origins and histories. Part two offers valuable insights into detoxifying our bodies and maintaining optimal health in today’s industrialised world. Final charts present results of testing popular foods and beverages for specific elements, including heavy metals. This chart aims to show what products contain ‘acceptable’ concentrations of certain contaminants and what foods should be avoided.

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • PART 1 Everything You Need to Know About Toxic Elements
  • Heavy Metals
  • Arsenic
  • Mercury
  • Lead
  • Cadmium
  • Aluminum
  • Copper
  • Tin
  • Chemical Contaminants
  • Bisphenol A (BPA)
  • Hexane
  • Pesticides
  • Food Ingredients as Contaminants
  • Aspartame
  • Monosodium
  • Glutamate (MSG)
  • Artificial Colors
  • Chemical Preservatives
  • Emulsifiers and Thickening Agents
  • Molecular Alteration of Food
  • Animal Feed Contaminants
  • PART 2 The Health Ranger’s Guide to Natural Detoxification
  • PART 3 The Data
  • About the Author
  • Acknowledgments
  • Endnotes
  • Index

Key takeaways from ‘Food Forensics’

1Buy organic foods whenever possible, especially with meat

Adams points out that investing in USDA-certified organic meats is worth the extra cost. These meats come from livestock raised without antibiotics or synthetic growth hormones.

For beef, look for USDA certification for grass-fed cattle, ensuring they have year-round access to grass and forage crops, without any grain in their diet. For poultry and eggs, seek out free-range options that offer true outdoor access to chickens without crowding.

Consider local producers, especially those found at farmer’s markets, as they often offer better-sourced meats and eggs, even without formal USDA certification. Opting for organic and locally sourced options not only benefits your health but also supports sustainable and responsible food production practices.

2Use healthy fats to detox from bad fats

‘Food Forensics’ emphasises that to eliminate the toxic effects of bad fats in your body, you need to start consuming good fats, as they will gradually replace the harmful ones.

Our body’s cells are built with fat molecules found in our blood. By adopting a diet rich in good fats from sources like avocados, chia seeds, clean fish oils, and high omega-3 oils, we can positively impact the health of our cells. Conversely, consuming fats from unhealthy sources like cheese, onion rings, and genetically modified soybean oil can lead to negative effects on our cellular membranes.

To transform your body and improve overall health, focus on changing what you eat. By nourishing your body with nutrient-rich and beneficial fats, you can bring about positive changes at the cellular level and enhance your overall well-being. Remember, the path to a healthier you starts with making better food choices and embracing the power of good fats.

3Eliminate toxins in household water

Ensuring clean and non-toxic water for hydration is just as crucial as avoiding toxins in our food. Tap water often contains impurities and toxic chemicals, making it essential to use an effective water filtration device at home. Never drink unfiltered tap water, as it can harbour harmful substances, including carcinogenic compounds like chloramines.

Adams gives examples of water filters that excel in removing toxic heavy metals, these are Big Berkey, Zen Water Systems and Zerowater. Reverse osmosis (RO) water systems also prove highly effective in this regard.

Overall rating & strengths and weaknesses, according to readers’ reviews

The book has gotten 4.07 ⭐️ on GoodReads.


  • Comprehensive coverage of harmful substances in our food, their effects on health, and practical ways to avoid them.

  • Thorough validation of concerns about food toxicity, backed by over 900 scientific footnotes, making it a credible and informative read.

  • Clear and simple explanations of complex scientific concepts.

  • A balanced approach that caters to both health enthusiasts and casual readers, providing valuable insights to all.

  • Fearless confrontation of issues related to pollution, contamination, and misconduct by big businesses, shedding light on critical problems in the food system.


  • The dense and rambling style of writing may make it challenging for some readers to engage with the book from start to finish.

  • The suggested solutions, such as moving to a pollution-free area, may not be practical or feasible for all readers, limiting the applicability of the advice provided.

Best quotes from ‘Food Forensics’

“Not all elements should cause the same degree of concern at the same levels. Mercury, for example, becomes worrisome at relatively low levels in foods (50 ppb, for example), while cadmium at 50 ppb is generally not much of a concern. But at 500 ppb, cadmium may begin to warrant attention, and if cadmium is present at 5,000 ppb, then it’s clearly a concern.”
“I strongly recommend every household be equipped with some sort of water-filtration device due to the very poor quality of municipal water. Never drink unfiltered tap water! It contains many toxic chemicals, including some that were not added by the water treatment plant but rather formed in the pipes as the water made its way to your home. One example would be chloramines, carcinogenic chemical compounds that form when ammonia and chlorine are added to treated tap water.”
“Your body won’t eliminate water-soluble toxins very well if you’re dehydrated, so drinking plenty of water is the first and simplest way to support your everyday detox strategy.”

Final takeaway

Mike Adams’ book, ‘Food Forensics,’ presents eye-opening insights into the hidden dangers lurking in our food. With the help of cutting-edge technology, Adams uncovers the truth about toxic elements, harmful additives, and contaminants found in various food products.

This book is a must-read for health-conscious individuals, researchers, and consumers who seek to understand the real state of our food system and make informed choices to protect their health.

Where to buy

You may purchase ‘Food Forensics’ on Amazon at the best price. It is available in Kindle, paperback and audio versions, so you may choose an option that appeals to you the most.

Healthypedia FAQ

Yes, the book offers practical advice on diminishing the harmful effect of contaminants. Adams provides suggestions like buying organic foods, especially meats and using healthy fats to detox from bad fats. Additionally, the book emphasises the importance of water filtration devices to eliminate toxins from household water, further supporting a healthy lifestyle.

Mike Adams examines not only heavy metals like lead, mercury, and cadmium but also chemical contaminants such as Bisphenol A (BPA) and pesticides.

Mike Adams strikes a balance in his writing, making it accessible to both health enthusiasts and casual readers. The book explains complex concepts in clear and simple terms, allowing anyone with an interest in understanding food toxicity to grasp the information.

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