The health benefits of bananas certainly won’t leave you indifferent. Banana is one of the oldest plants in the world. The first documents describing the fruit date back to the 17th century B.C. and fortunately, it is still around today.
Bananas are packed with vitamins and minerals, they take care of your gut, help your muscles after a workout, give you energy and do lots of other good things. Banana is rightly considered the fruit of wise people who take full care of their health.
Bananas – Nutrition facts

Bananas have low energy value, a very small amount of protein and almost no fat. They are high in carbs and have a medium level of sugar. There is also a small amount of fibre and a comparatively low glycemic index.

Bananas – Good news

Bananas are a healthy fruit that can be a great addition to your diet since it is packed with nutrients. They are relatively easy to find and take with you, making them a convenient snack when you are on the go. An energy booster that helps to control your health!
1Can keep your heart healthy
Bananas are an excellent source of potassium. Potassium is a mineral that is vital for heart health, especially for regulating blood pressure. A medium-sized banana (126 grams) provides 10% of DV. A potassium-rich diet can help lower your blood pressure. People who eat potassium-rich foods are less likely to have heart disease.
2Support digestive health
Dietary fibre is associated with many health benefits, including improving digestion. Resistant starch, a type of fibre found in unripe bananas, is prebiotic. Prebiotics avoid digestion and enter the large intestine, where they become food for the beneficial bacteria in your gut. What’s more, pectin, the fibre found in ripe and unripe bananas, can help prevent constipation and soften stools.
3The sugar in bananas is a good source of energy
Running marathoners eat bananas before, during and after the race for good reason. Bananas are rich in glucose, the most easily digestible source of sugar, which will provide optimal energy for running.
4Help your muscles recover faster
Potassium is one of the key components of bananas. As it is an electrolyte, potassium helps your muscles recover from exercise, enhances their development and allows you to train more intensively.
5Reduce bloating
A bloated stomach makes even the slimmest person look like they’ve just drunk a lot of water. You can cope with gas by eating bananas. This fruit increases the number of bacteria in the stomach that fight bloating. Plus, potassium can help reduce fluid retention.
6One of the best fruit sources of vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 from bananas is easily absorbed by the body, and a medium-sized banana can provide about a quarter of your daily requirement for vitamin B6. This vitamin helps your body produce red blood cells; metabolise carbohydrates and fats, turning them into energy; metabolise amino acids; remove unwanted chemicals from your liver and kidneys and maintain a healthy nervous system. Vitamin B6 is also good for pregnant women, as it helps to meet the baby’s developmental needs.
7Help you build lean muscle mass
If you feel that your muscles are aching or not growing fast enough after a workout, you may not have enough magnesium in your diet. Bananas are a good source of magnesium. One banana (190 grams) contains 20% of magnesium. They can promote muscle contraction and relaxation as well as protein synthesis, which in turn increases lean muscle mass. Plus, magnesium boosts lipolysis, the process by which fat is released from your body.
Bananas – Bad news

Are bananas a great and safe food for everyone? Here are some downsides.
Bananas can cause an allergic reaction in some people. Allergy symptoms usually develop within a few minutes and if an adverse reaction occurs, you should contact your doctor. However, if this develops into a severe reaction known as anaphylaxis, it is a medical emergency and you should call an ambulance immediately.
Some medications can increase your blood potassium levels, so if you are taking such a medication, be careful about eating potassium-rich foods, like bananas. To avoid any interference between foods and pills, talk to your healthcare provider before making any dietary changes.
Fun & curious facts about bananas
Botanically, a banana is actually a berry that always comes in its own case.
The riper the banana, the more nutrients it has!
In summer, bananas may ripen more quickly, while in winter this process is slower.
In Uganda, bananas are used to make beer. By the way, very good one, fruit beer contains almost 28% alcohol.In Uganda, bananas are used to make beer. By the way, very good one, fruit beer contains almost 28% alcohol.
Bananas in the Blue Zones

You wouldn’t lose if you answered ‘banana’ when asked about longevity expert and National Geographic researcher Dan Buettner’s favourite fruit. All fruits are good and have something to boast about. But the first place in the ranking of this scientist is occupied by bananas! According to the data collected by Dan Buettner, nearly 10% of the diet of long-living people on Costa Rica’s Nicoya Peninsula, one of the Blue Zones, consists of fruits. Bananas are a staple food there.
Bananas. Experiment by our expert

score Blood glucose
I like bananas. I add them to one of my favourite breakfasts, which includes oats, Greek yoghurt and chia seeds. This is my key ingredient for smoothies. Because banana peels contain more healthy nutrients, I use unpeeled bananas in smoothies. Now you know it. I didn’t expect a great result from the test because of the medium level of sugar content. And 6 out of 10 is not that great. I think it’s because of the amount – having three big bananas at once is too much. Now I know for sure. One medium or small banana in my favourite breakfast meal is still absolutely fine for me after this test. But not more. Moderation is the ultimate rule for a diet and it works for bananas perfectly.
Let’s sum bananas up

Bananas are an affordable and tasty source of many nutrients. As well as keeping you in shape, they may also help your digestion and heart health. Plus, they may support your muscles’ recovery, they are nutrient-dense and filling. So next time you’re hungry, grab a banana and enjoy all the benefits of this superfood.
Not enough? Here is more from our colleagues!
Dr. Alan Mandell has years of experience in spinal biomechanics and has a remarkable nutritional background. In this video, he will provide more information about the benefits bananas can have when added to a diet.