Live Younger Longer by Stephen Kopecky

Discover six steps to prevent chronic disease with this insightful read from renowned cardiologist Stephen Kopecky.

Live Younger Longer

The book has gotten 3.91 ⭐️ on GoodReads.

In a world where chronic diseases loom large, the imperative to embrace sustainable healthy habits has never been more pressing. This pursuit of vitality and longevity has become a cornerstone of our times, urging us to adopt choices that fortify our well-being. At the heart of this imperative lies Stephen L. Kopecky, M.D.’s book, ‘Live Younger Longer: 6 Steps to Prevent Heart Disease, Cancer, Alzheimer’s, Diabetes, and More’. This review delves into the essence of this book, a compass navigating the realm of chronic diseases, offering readers a roadmap to healthier and more fulfilling lives. As we explore the insights and strategies laid out by Dr. Kopecky, we uncover a treasure trove of actionable guidance that stands to reshape our understanding of holistic well-being.

Author’s background

Stephen L. Kopecky, M.D., practices as a cardiologist at Mayo Clinic located in Rochester, Minnesota.

Stephen L. Kopecky (r)

His primary focus lies in preventing cardiovascular diseases and managing risk factors associated with them. He holds the position of Director at the Statin Intolerance Clinic, a role in which he contributes to the creation of treatment strategies for patients grappling with heart ailments. In 2013, Dr. Kopecky was honoured with the Jan J. Kellermann Memorial Award for his exceptional contributions in the realm of preventing cardiovascular diseases. Additionally, he holds a faculty position as a medicine professor at Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science.

What is the book about?

‘Live Younger Longer: 6 Steps to Prevent Heart Disease, Cancer, Alzheimer’s, Diabetes, and More’ by Stephen Kopecky offers practical ways to live better and longer by avoiding common diseases. Dr. Kopecky uses his own experiences and research to show how to make healthier choices that can lead to a longer and more fulfilling life.

The book addresses the shift in leading causes of mortality from infectious diseases to chronic conditions. Dr. Kopecky highlights the prevailing challenges of heart disease and cancer, which claim over 1.2 million lives annually in the United States. Despite longer lifespans, the burden of chronic illnesses compromises overall well-being.

After beating cancer himself, Dr. Kopecky set himself a goal to find out how to live a long life without getting sick. He found six important habits that can make a big difference. These habits include eating better, moving more, sleeping well, managing stress, avoiding harmful substances, and being careful with alcohol. The book does not just emphasise these habits but also explains how to make them part of your life for a long time.

The key topics covered in the book include:

  • The shift from infectious to chronic diseases and the reasons behind the transition and the factors driving it.

  • Nutritional choices and their impact on health.

  • The benefits of an active lifestyle and tips for achieving fitness.

  • The vital role of sleep and strategies for enhancing sleep quality.

  • Recognising, managing, and minimising stress.

  • Addressing effects of smoking and pollution on health.

  • Balancing alcohol consumption for health benefits.

  • The impact of weight on health.

  • Fitness tests and advice on exercise.

  • Tools for evaluating dietary choices and setting priorities.

Table of contents

  • From the author
  • Acknowledgments
  • PART 1: The state of our health
  • CHAPTER 1: What kills us
  • My story
  • The big shift
  • Living the modern life
  • What I’ve learned
  • CHAPTER 2: How do we get from healthy to diseased?
  • Health doesn’t exist in a vacuum
  • A look inside
  • Which way forward?
  • CHAPTER 3: A longer life in good health
  • Measuring the gap
  • The cost of chronic illness
  • CHAPTER 4: Slow change is permanent change
  • Small changes, big results
  • Know your why, what, and how
  • Turning on autopilot
  • Celebrating success
  • Phasing out old habits
  • CHAPTER 5: Messages for millennials
  • Millennial health
  • Know your brain
  • Enjoy what you do
  • Money and your health
  • Rethinking family history
  • Finding what works for you
  • CHAPTER 6: For baby boomers
  • Diseases of long life
  • Slowing the hands of time
  • The power of purpose
  • Living your best life
  • CHAPTER 7: Boosting the immune system
  • A new virus collides with long-standing diseases
  • Immune system boosters
  • PART 2: From surviving to thriving
  • CHAPTER 8: Step 1: Food that fuels
  • Food and health
  • A better pattern of eating
  • Our diets: What went wrong
  • How can we change!
  • CHAPTER 9: Step 2: Be active and fit
  • Why active and fit?
  • How to not be sedentary
  • How to get physically fit
  • Benefits of interval training
  • Keep at it
  • CHAPTER 10: Step 3: Prioritize sleep
  • Why is sleep important?
  • What is a good night’s sleep?
  • Causes of poor sleep
  • How to get better sleep
  • When disrupted sleep is the norm
  • CHAPTER 11: Step 4: Get a handle on stress
  • Your body on stress
  • Managing stress
  • Social support and stress
  • CHAPTER 12: Step 5: Avoid smoking and other pollutants
  • A brief history of tobacco
  • Why do people still smoke today?
  • The harms of smoking
  • How to quit smoking
  • Just as harmful as smoking
  • Positive trends
  • CHAPTER 13: Step 6: Be thoughtful about alcohol
  • What’s the difference between moderate and heavy drinking?
  • Are there benefits to drinking in moderation?
  • The costs of heavy drinking
  • The three A’s
  • CHAPTER 14: The (un) importance of weight
  • Rising rates of prediabetes in the U.S.
  • Is your weight healthy?
  • Can going on a diet help you lose weight?
  • Steps to a healthy weight
  • The halo effect of a healthy habit
  • A product of our habits
  • PART 3: Additional help
  • Assessments, tips and resources
  • What’s your BMI?
  • Waist measurement
  • Cardiovascular fitness
  • Estimated fitness level based on 1.5-mile walk/run
  • Exercise cautions
  • Pushup test
  • Basic stretching exercises
  • Diet inventory
  • Assess your priorities
  • Other resources
  • Selected recommended reading

Six key takeaways from ‘Live Younger Longer’

1Eat healthily to minimise diseases risks

In his step-by-step program on preventing chronic diseases, Dr. Kopecky puts a healthy diet as step number one, highlighting its utmost importance. Genes might contribute to a 30% to 40% increase in disease risk, but lifestyle, notably diet, has the potential to amplify this risk three to four times.

Dr. Kopecky cites a 2019 study published by The Lancet. By analysing dietary patterns across nearly 200 countries, the study inferred that global deaths could be reduced by a fifth through dietary adjustments. Though ambitious, even small dietary changes exert substantial effects on overall health.

A healthier dietary pattern does not necessitate strict adherence to specialised diets. Rather, it emphasises balanced, well-rounded eating habits. While no single food possesses miraculous health benefits, certain eating patterns, such as the Mediterranean diet, exhibit associations with enhanced health outcomes. This diet, emphasising plant-based foods, lean proteins, and healthy fats, resonates as an effective means to combat chronic diseases and promote wellness.

2Be physically active

Recognising the significance of physical activity in our hectic lives is crucial. Despite claims of busyness as a form of activity, sedentary behaviour prevails, with American adults spending around 8 hours daily seated and Europeans close to 3 hours watching TV or reclining. Two vital types of physical activity are essential: avoiding sedentary behaviour through regular movement and engaging in vigorous physical activity.

Vigorous activity, involving actions that elevate heart rate and induce sweating, leads to physical fitness by enhancing endurance, strength, flexibility, and body composition. Nevertheless, exercise alone does not entirely counteract the detrimental effects of extended sitting on health. A holistic approach is crucial, combining frequent movement with structured exercise for optimal well-being.

3Make healthy sleep one of your priorities

Nowadays sleep often takes a back seat, overshadowed by our busy lives. However, sleep is a fundamental necessity essential for our health and well-being. Sleep constitutes a third of our lives and allows our bodies crucial time to rejuvenate and repair. During sleep, energy conservation processes activate, muscle relaxation occurs, and brain activity slows down, supporting vital restorative activities such as waste clearance, cell repair, and immune system regulation.

Sleep deprivation disrupts these processes and is linked to chronic health conditions like heart disease, depression, high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes. Our capacity to think logically, make decisions, and control emotions is significantly impaired by inadequate sleep. Furthermore, sleep plays a vital role in bolstering the immune system, helping the body fight infections and aiding in the recovery process. As a cornerstone of health, prioritising sleep is essential for fostering longevity and overall well-being.

4Manage and reduce stress

While some stress can be motivating and adaptive, chronic stress can take a toll on our physical and emotional health. Dr. Kopecky emphasises that we can manage stress by developing healthy responses to stress through daily habits that can significantly alleviate its harmful effects. Understanding the body’s stress response, particularly the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, is key to this process. Chronic stress, if left unchecked, can lead to various health issues, including heart disease, impaired brain function, weakened immune system, anxiety, depression, and more.

The journey to effective stress management involves adopting strategies such as positive self-talk, cultivating optimism, and spending time in nature. Engaging in these practices can reshape our responses to stress, reducing negative impacts and boosting our capacity to manage future challenges.

5Quit smoking

Smoking is a risk factor for almost all diseases. From cancers in various organs to lung diseases and cardiovascular issues, tobacco’s poisons infiltrate the body, leading to irreparable damage. Even reproduction and fertility are profoundly affected. The devastating impact of smoking is evident in the lives of those who suffer from its effects and the healthcare system burdened by its consequences. Thus, quitting smoking is one of the biggest steps towards better health and lower disease risks.

6Drink alcohol in moderation or do not drink at all

Dr. Kopecky highlights the delicate balance between the benefits and risks of alcohol consumption. Moderate drinking, when adhering to recommended guidelines, shows associations with potential benefits like reduced heart disease risk and relaxation. However, the elusive line between moderation and excess remains challenging to discern, complicated by various factors such as age, genetics, and overall lifestyle.

While moderation is associated with lower risks, heavy drinking can lead to short-term hazards like injuries, poisonings, and unintended pregnancies. Over time, the toll of heavy drinking manifests as a parade of chronic diseases – brain damage, high blood pressure, heart problems, liver disease, digestive issues, and an elevated risk of cancer.

The bottom line? Here is how the author concludes the ‘to drink or not to drink’ debate: ‘Drinking alcohol isn’t risk-free. If you don’t drink alcohol, don’t start because of potential health benefits. However, if you drink a light to moderate amount and you’re healthy, you can probably continue as long as you drink responsibly.’

Strengths and weaknesses, according to readers’ reviews


  • Strikes a balance between providing sufficient information on healthy habits without overwhelming the reader.

  • Provides actionable advice on maintaining good health to ensure a high quality of life in later years.

  • Dr. Kopecky’s writing is approachable and suitable for people of all ages, making it easy for anyone to understand and apply the principles.


  • Tends to overemphasise the ‘heart healthy diet’ catchphrases, which can become repetitive and may not align with the latest research.

  • Despite providing more detailed explanations, the book can be somewhat repetitive in its messaging, which could potentially bore readers looking for fresh content.

Best quotes from ‘Live Younger Longer’

“Ultraprocessed foods may include substances directly extracted from foods, such as lactose, whey and gluten, and some derived from further processing of food constituents, such as hydrogenated oils, maltodextrin and high- fructose corn syrup. Additives found in this group include dyes and coloring, flavors, nonsugar sweeteners, and various processing agents.”
“The lighter and brighter your surroundings, the more awake and alert you are. The darker your environment, the more melatonin – a substance that makes you drowsy – your body produces. Natural circadian rhythms explain why most people are awake when the sun is up and feel sleepy after the sun goes down.”
“Obesity is a major health problem in the United States. Two-thirds of the adult population is overweight, and 1 in 3 adults is considered obese. Childhood obesity is at an all-time high.”

Final takeaway

‘Live Younger Longer: 6 Steps to Prevent Heart Disease, Cancer, Alzheimer’s, Diabetes, and More’ by Stephen L. Kopecky offers a comprehensive guide to leading a healthier and more fulfilling life by adopting six key habits. Dr. Kopecky’s extensive experience as a cardiologist at the Mayo Clinic lends credibility to his practical advice on preventing chronic diseases and enhancing overall well-being.

The book’s approachable writing style, balanced information delivery, and actionable guidance make it an essential read for beginners looking to make positive lifestyle changes for better long-term health.

Where to buy

You may purchase ‘Live Younger Longer’ on Amazon at the best price. It is available in paperback, spiral bound, audio and Kindle versions, so you may choose an option that appeals to you the most.

Healthypedia FAQ

Yes, ‘Live Younger Longer’ is a trustworthy resource. Dr. Kopecky's expertise lends credibility to the information presented in the book. The content is backed by his own experiences, research, and professional knowledge, making it a reliable guide for adopting healthier habits and preventing chronic diseases.

Yes, the book offers practical and actionable advice on how to incorporate healthy habits into daily life. Dr. Kopecky's approachable writing style ensures that readers of all ages can easily understand and implement these strategies.

The book presents six key steps that contribute to overall well-being: adopting a healthier diet, staying physically active, prioritising quality sleep, managing stress, quitting smoking, and being mindful of alcohol consumption. These steps are supported by Dr. Kopecky's research and personal experiences.

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