General information about client

Step 1
Client’s biological Sex

Cardiovascular Fitness

Step 2
You can measure your client's resting heart rate by using a heart rate monitor or a smartwatch.
You can obtain your client's VO2 Max from their smartwatch or fitness device. If you don't have their VO2 Max it will be automatically calculated from their resting heart rate.

Mobility & Core Stability

Step 3
Shoulder Mobility Test
Enter result
The closest points of the fists are greater than the length of 1.5 client’s hands
The closest points of the fists are within the length of 1.5 client’s hands
The closest points of the fists are less than the length of 1 client’s hand
The client must try to reach one hand behind the neck and the other hand behind the back, aiming to bring the fists together. Measure the distance between the fists and compare it to the score chart from the Guide.
Step 4
Low Plank Test
Enter result
The client can hold the position less than 30 seconds
The client can hold the position 30 to 60 seconds
The client can hold the position more than 60 seconds
The client should get into the correct plank position (flat back, forearms on the floor flexed at 90 degrees at the elbow) and try to hold it as long as possible. Measure the time and compare it to the score chart from the Guide.
Step 5
Deep Squat Test
Enter result
Thighs above parallel to the ground
Thighs are parallel to the ground
Thighs below parallel to the ground
The client has to squat as low as possible while keeping their heels on the floor and arms extended parallel to the ground. Rate the technique and compare it to the score chart from the Guide.
Total Mobility & Core Stability Test Score: 0

Body Composition

Step 6
Measure the smallest circumference of the client’s waist under the clothes or over a thin top (usually just above the belly button).
Measure the widest circumference of the client's hips over thin trousers (usually the middle of the glutes/backside).

Grip Strength

Step 7
The client needs to squeeze the hand dynamometer as hard as they can while keeping an arm to 90 degrees for 5 seconds. Repeat twice on each hand and count the average result of the attempts.

Push-Up Test

Step 8
Count the number of push-ups your client can do in the correct position (described in the Guide). Female participants need to perform a modified version of push-up (knees to the floor).

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