
Why Is Mobility So Important For Health?

Maintaining an adequate level of mobility is crucial for several reasons, including correct posture, injury prevention and efficiency of movement.


What is mobility?

Mobility is the ability of your body’s joints to move through a full range of motion. Depending on the joint, the range of motion or ROM varies significantly.

For instance, your knee joint only allows you to move your knee forwards and backward. Alternatively, your shoulder socket will enable you to move your shoulder up and down in a circular motion.1

Why is mobility important?

Mobility is not just crucial to athletes. Mobility impacts our ability to perform daily tasks like sitting down, getting up, and even walking. These functional movements often require different joints to work in sync. This is why stabilisation, strength training, and dynamic stretching are all critical to improving your mobility. The older we get, the more critical good mobility becomes, especially when helping to reduce the chance of falling.2


How to improve your mobility?

To improve mobility, consider the following recommendations:

1) Assess your current level of mobility with simple tests, such as the shoulder mobility test outlined, to identify areas that may need improvement.2

2) Engage in mobility-increasing activities, which can include a range of motion exercises, myofascial release (e.g., foam rolling), dynamic and static stretching, and muscle activation.3

3) Regular practice is the key. Incorporate mobility exercise into your daily routine to enhance your capacity for movement.1

While mobility-enhancing techniques are generally harmless, precautions should be taken. Always listen to your body and avoid pushing into painful ranges of motion. Ensure that your mobility practice does not exacerbate pre-existing conditions, and seek professional guidance if necessary.3

Healthypedia FAQ

Stretching after a workout while your body is warm is the best time to stretch. When your muscle fibres are warm, they are more elastic and less prone to injury. Include static and dynamic stretching in your mobility sessions to ensure a balanced body.

Overstretching occurs by stretching cold and pushing your muscles and joints dangerously beyond their range of motion. Micro tears in your muscles and inflammation are signs of overstretching. These will negatively impact your athletic and day-to-day performance. Remember to hold your stretches for no longer than 30 seconds and never stretch while cold.

Whether you want to be strong or not, being flexible is critical to your health and fitness. Good flexibility stretches the muscle fibres, increasing the muscle’s size. On the other hand, poor flexibility shortens your muscle fibres making your muscles look smaller.

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